All products are totally herbal. No chemical, no added colour & flavour. No preservative."
50 & 100 gm: Organic Ingredients, Purely herbal and natural, Improve skin health, Good for acne, blemishes, and dark circles, Improve skin texture, Makes your skin glowing and soft.
How to apply : Mix this powder with water, rosewater, or milk according to your skin type, apply for 15 to 20 mt, scrub it with wet hands & wash it.
50 & 100 gm: Organic Ingredients, Purely herbal and natural, Improve gut health For indigestion, gas and belching. Improve metabolic rate & increase digestive fire.
Dose: 2to3 gm in morning & evening after meal.
250 gm: Organic Ingredients, Made of 18 beneficial herbs, that improve hair Strength, are Great for hair fall, hair damage, and thickness, improve hair Texture, cleanse, nourish, and soften your hair.
How to apply: Thrice a week for 45 mts & wash with water only.
750 ml: Organic Ingredients, Made from fresh petals, Without preservatives chemical free, Healthy, Improves Metabolism, Increases digestive power, Great For Summer. Cools your body, Gives strength and nourishment
Shelf life : Up to 3 months . Keep it only in Refrigerators.
750ml: Organic Ingredients, Made from fresh petals, without preservatives, chemical free, healthy Balances Tridosha, Decreases acidity and Pitta, Great For Summer Cools your body, gives strength and nourishment.
Shelf life: up to 3 months. Keep it in refrigerator.
100 & 250 gm: Organic Ingredients, Made from makhana base with nervine and energetic herbs, Good for Adults & women who are 30 plus. Provides energy and strength to bones and removes protein, vitamins & nutritional deficiencies. Calcium-rich, Sugar-free, specially made for 30+ people.
For Kids, Pranvita Plain
Dose : 1 Tbsp. in the morning & evening with milk, curd, or lukewarm water.