What is Ayurveda?
The word Ayurveda is composed of two words, Ayu i.e. life and Veda i.e. science. Thus, Ayurveda means the science of life, which encompasses and connotes the art of living life in a healthy way. Ayurveda is a combination of sharira (body), indriya (sensory organs), sattva (mind) and aatma (soul). One of the differentiating factors between Ayurveda and other systems of medicine is that it incorporates Atma or soul, which is meta-physical aspect of one’s being, into its framework of principles.
Ayurveda not only cures the disease, but also prescribes the ways and means for prolongation and maintenance of a happy and healthy life. Ayurveda has prescribed certain daily routine principles, namely Dincharya (daily routine), Ratricharya (night routine), Ritucharya (seasonal routine) and Sadvritta (ethical routine).
The objective of Ayurveda is the proper maintenance of metabolic equilibrium of the human psycho-somatic elements and restoration of the same in the body.