MD (Ayurveda), Dip. Yoga , Associate Professor
11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
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Super Seeds | 5 Magical Seeds | How to Eat Seeds | बीजों को कैसे खाएं | Pranayatan Ayurveda
5 Ways to Treat Allergy / Cure Seasonal Allergy / एलर्जी का आयुर्वेदिक इलाज / Pranayatan Ayurveda
विदारीकंद:किन बीमारियों में फायदेमंद |Benefits of Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa)|Pranayatan Ayurveda
Curd and Buttermilk | दही और छाछ का सही प्रयोग | How to Take Curd & Buttermilk | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Right Way to Drink Warm Water|गर्म पानी पीने का सही तरीका|Benefits of Hot Water| Pranayatan Ayurveda
Stay Healthy in Daily Life : Pranvita Plus | प्राणविटा प्लस : Energy Powder | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Kraunch(Kapikachhu) Seed | कैसे प्रयोग करें कपिकच्छू बीज | Parkinson's Disease | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Shatavari | शतावरी : सेहत का राज़ | Shatavari Benefits | Shatavari for Females | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Sesame Seeds and Oil| तिल और तिल तेल कितना उपयोगी| Black and White Sesame Seeds| Pranayatan Ayurveda
Best Millet for Health | सर्दी में कौन से अनाज खाएं | Best Winter Millets | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Best Ayurvedic Remedy for Gastric Problems | गैस की समस्या करें छूमंतर | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Best Cooking Oil|कौनसा तेल सर्वश्रेष्ठ|Best Oil in Ayurveda|Pranayatan Ayurveda|Dr Manisha Dikshit
Best Green Vegetables for Winters| जीवनदायिनी हरी सब्जियाँ| Green Veg Benefits| Pranayatan Ayurveda
Best Way to Take Milk | कैसे पियें दूध | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Unbelievable Results: A Patient's Experience | Success Story | Detoxification | Pranayatana Ayurveda
Detox in Festive season | Detoxification in Festivals | Shodhan in Ayurveda | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Psoriasis | Cure Psoriasis through Ayurveda | सोरिएसिस का इलाज | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Psoriasis | Psoriasis Treatment | Success Story of a Psoriatic Patient | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Benefits of Ark Milk | अर्क के दूध के फ़ायदे | Aak ka doodh | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Alkaline Water: What Ayurveda Says About It | Magical Water |Sparkling Water| Pranayatan Ayurveda
Oil Filling in Ear | karnapooran | कान में तैल भरना | कर्णपूरण | कान की बीमारियों का इलाज
चक्कर आना | Vertigo Treatment | सिर भारी होकर चक्कर आना | Giddiness| Dizziness | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Different Ways of Cooking Rice | चावल बनाने का सही तरीका | No Sugar | No Weight Gain | No Diabetes
ऐसे ख़त्म करें मुँह के छाले | 3 Best Ways to Treat Mouth Ulcers | Cure Stomatitis | मुखपाक
Why Do Liver Diseases Occur| लिवर की बीमारियाँ क्यों होती हैं |How Ayurveda Works In Liver Problems
Magic of Lime Water | दो चम्मच चूने का पानी पीने के अनगनित फ़ायदे | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Rainy Season Diet| Diet Plan for Weight Loss| बरसात में करें वज़न कम| Pranayatan Ayurveda| Subtitles
Cure Vitamin D Naturally | Improve Vitamin D Deficiency | Pranayatan Ayurveda | CC
Gout Treatment in Ayurveda|Vaatarakta Treatment|Decrease Uric Acid|In Hindi|Pranayatan Ayurveda|CC
Uric Acid Treatment | Magical Drink to Reduce Uric Acid | Dr Manisha Dikshit | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Marma Point For Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)| Parshwasandhi Marma| Healing Point| Pranayatan Ayurveda
Kidney Stones:Complete Ayurvedic Treatment/ Renal Stone Treatment/ Live Session/ Pranayatan Ayurveda
10 Ways To Treat Urticaria / Cure Sheetpitta in Ayurveda/ Pranayatan Ayurveda/ CC
We're organizing a 6-Hour Marma Course... | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Frozen Food: Boon or Curse | Glimpses of Webinar | Frozen Food Day | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Success Story Of Skin Patient | Feedback | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Point To Reduce Anger| Point For Anger & Stress| Manibandh Marma| #Shorts| Pranayatan Ayurveda| CC
Point to Improve Vision | Apanga Marma | #shorts | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Memory Boosting Point | Sthapani Marma | #shorts | Pranayatan Ayurveda | CC
Glimpses of Ayurvedic Perspective on Women's Health | Live Webinar | Pranaytan Ayurveda
Marma Points for Concentration | Adhipati Marma | #shorts | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Amazing Results!! | Feedback of an Acne Patient | Acne Vulgaris(Pimples) | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Ideal Diet Planning: Approach to Pathya | Dosha-Balancing Diet | Live Session | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Regime for Winters: Shishira Ritucharya | ठण्ड से कैसे करें बचाव ? | शिशिर ऋतु | Pranyatan Ayurveda
Remedies for Diabetes in Ayurveda | मधुमेह से करें बचाव | Live Session | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Enhance your Bone Health | Improve Bone Health through Ayurveda | Live Session | Pranayatan Ayurveda
World Heart Day | Keep Your Heart Healthy | Live Session | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Dengue Fever | Dandak Jwar | Dengue Management in Ayurveda | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Nutritional Tips for Healthy Lifestyle |National Nutrition Week | Live Session | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Pranayatan Ayurveda & Panchakarma Centre Tour | Health Centre Tour | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Treat Autoimmune Disease through Ayurveda | Psoriasis | Live Session | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Feedback of Ankylosing Spondylitis | Treatment Ankylosing Spondylitis | CC | Pranayatan Ayurveda
Slip Disc Treatment in Ayurveda | स्लिप डिस्क का इलाज | Live Session | Pranayatan Ayurveda